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Day 3 12 Hours Left! VA to NC

3:15AM Driving to Rocky Mount - Oh no! The Wife is DRIVING!
Wife finally woke up and took over the driving for the husband to sleep. 
While the wife was driving and everyone was sleeping in the dark, quiet night, it did feel like we were running away from a crime scene, being chased by the police officials. And for a moment, it felt like we were beating them -  Nothing can go wrong when you got one of your partners in crime with you in the passenger seat and one in her car seat with her secret weapon - baby doll Daisy?

65 degrees outside at 3am. Very nice! We want to say we feel bad leaving our friends and families behind in the cold, rainy weather of Maine but as you know, we are awful at lying ... so we will admit it, we are loving the heat :-)

5:25AM arrived at Rocky Mount, NC super charging station. The car suggests we charge for only 15 minutes to continue to the next charging station, which is what we did. The wife continued to drive. 

Rating: 3/5
Too far from highway. 
Near a lot of hotels so  this location would be a good stop to sleep over. Since it was already morning, we did not get a hotel. There are restaurants all walking distance. Very clean and allows for walking around between all the large industrial parking spaces. 

GPS says we have 4 more super charging stations before we reach our hotel in Orlando with close to 12 hours left to go. We probably will be there later with breakfast, lunch and dinner stops. 

What is the average mi/hr at the Tesla super charing stations?
Average mi/hr we have been seeing during charges at the super charging station ranges between 295-395 mi/hr. The car charges really quickly at the beginning and tends to slow down as you approach the top of your car allowed mileage range and for that reason and due to charging stations being close to each other, the car will tell you to charge for 15 or 20 minutes and not fully charge your car. 


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